I couldn't resist one more visit to the Olympic Super Store for some more Canadian booster wear!
So far, I have:
- White Parka. Too warm for it now I think!
- Green Pullover
- Green long sleeve "technical" pullover
- Black long sleeve tee
- Red Long sleeve tee
- couple misc. tee's
- RED MITTENS of course!
- A little clip on Miga and MukMuk
- Red Canada Scarf - plaid on one side, big letters "CANADA" on the reverse, for waiving in the crowd!
- My original 1988 Calgary Olympics Po-boy hat.
Look, I told you this blog was cultural, not sporty, didn't I?? I'm a snow bunny! If only we had snow.....
The only thing you are missing is a seal pelt and a Canada flag tatoo!
hahahah Mike has the flag tatooo .... ! ??