Saturday begins with a great hockey game between Switzerland and Norway. The highlight for me was a hat trick by Norwegian #29 Vikingstad. Everytime he scored his family was shown up on the big screen in the stadium with a sign reading "GoDAD".... after the second goal I was cheering him on, "Go DAaaaAAD". They lost by only one goal, but we had a great time with B+M.

When they told us they were going up to Whislter later that day, and we realized we might have a place to sleep at L+J's we quickly jumped on that bandwagon and invited ourselves along for a road trip. If M is going to party in Whislter, I definitely wanted in on that! It was no mistake. We arrived sometime around 6pm and right before the medal ceremony for Jon Montomery's Whislter Gold Medal for Skeleton. The town was abuzz and there was no room at the Celebration Site for us. No problem, we scored a front row seat on a heated patio overlooking town plaza with the awards ceremony on the big screen. Great Vibe. J+L, several friends of B+M, and some friends of theirs joined us until we were a roving pack of disorderlies but we had a fun time.
The weather in Whistler could not have been nicer so Sunday was a mashup of more food and beer, sunshine and celebrations. Sam Roberts band entertained in the town plaza mid-afternoon and Whislter was a crazy-happy place to be. Great entertainment, and a Canada-USA hockey game after? Do Sundays get ANY better than this?? I think not! Mike had a brilliant idea to go to the Jamaica House to watch the game because they have taken over an intimate bar which proved very relaxing. Made some new friends there and had a great view of that EXCITING game. I'd definitely be more of a hockey fan if hockey was more like that game more often. Too bad that Amercian Goalie is like a WALL. Who can get by him??
Although L extended the invitation to stay on in Whislter, I really had to get home and dry out! Plus, we have a hockey game tonight.
There is still a LOT to do in Vancouver and sadly, the big party is half over. The lineups have been a little discouraging but we will press on... I learned a new phrase this morning for a common emotion in our town... "FOMO" Fear of Missing Out! Plus we are beginning to worry about what Vancouverites will do when this big party is over! I'll have to find an acronym for that one...
Time for another coffee.
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